Forward Head Posture Fix

Mike Westerdal and Rick Kaseli 

Welcome to our review about the program that was created by Mike Westerdal and Rick Kaseli who are seeking to help people that have the problem of “Forward Head” that is caused by many modern technological factors that cannot be avoided – but can be helped!

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This is a problem that is near and dear to us at Surround Sound Health as we all use phones, laptops, computers and have childhood factors that all contribute to this issue and as far as we can tell, the reviews that have been streaming in from people who have bought this book indicate the general consensus that the program is brilliant and that it works.

What is Forward Head Posture Fix About?

Ok, let’s take a look at the general premise of what the book is talking about in its entirety. Mike and Rick created this program to deal with issues such as Ugly Forward Head Posture, Trouble Sleeping, Text Neck & Back Pain – just to mention a few.

You are shown techniques that you can apply for just 15 minutes every day, you will get your neck and back into alignment and back to its original position with no problems at all.

Mike says that the technique is used to increase your energy while doing other things which include easing back pain, helping with the head rushes that give you foggy head, sleeping postures and alleviating the headaches that are caused by head tilting.

The forward head posture defines the way that your neck extends forward and gradually gets stuck in that position so that you look like you are always leaning.

The Health Problems

When the head is in this position, you will find that there are problems that arise from the fact that your physical body is being forced into a certain unnatural position.

Breathing can become difficult, you may feel numb around the neck and shoulders and the nerves will be stretched or pinched together causing irritations that you will find hard to get rid of.

Who Are the Authors? Mike Westerdal and Rick Kaseli

Mike Westerdal is an accomplished personal trainer and founder of the site. He is also a nutrition expert with multiple works to his name and fitness books in the market.

Rick Kaselj, M.S. (Exercise Science), B.Sc. (Kinesiology), PK, CPT, CEP, CES

Rick Kaselj specializes in exercise rehabilitation and fitness. He works in one-on-one and group rehabilitation settings, educating and training people who have been injured at work, in car accidents, and during sport activities.

Rick has combined his rehabilitation experience and passion for research to develop a variety of courses and presentations for fitness professionals, Kinesiologists, and healthcare providers. Rick has given over 302 presentations to 5897 fitness professionals across Canada and USA.  These courses include:

  • Core stability of the shoulder
  • Exercise rehabilitation for the shoulder, lower back, hip, or knee
  • Foam roller essentials
  • Intro and advanced core stability
  • Intro and advanced stability ball exercises
  • Postural assessment and exercise prescription
  • Injury-free running
  • Save your shoulders
  • Training for better golf

Rick strives to balance his work life with his personal fitness endeavours and travel. He has trained for and competed in the Manitoba Marathon, the 225 km Ironman Canada Triathlon, and the 160 km Sea2Summit Adventure Race in Whistler, BC.

He has hiked 4,300 km along the Pacific Crest Trailfrom Mexico to Canada and mountain biked the 5,000 km Great Divide Mountain Bike Route over the Rocky Mountains from Mexico to Canada. An avid traveler, Rick has toured three continents and visited 17 countries.

In 1997 he graduated with his Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from Simon Fraser University. Rick recently completed his Masters of Science degree focusing on corrective exercise and therapeutic exercise for the rotator cuff.  Rick currently works as a lecturer, Kinesiologist, personal trainer, writer of exercise rehabilitation and exercise rehabilitation specialist in and around Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

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What Do You Get?

The Forward Head Posture Fix is a program that contains not just the book but a DVD plus a physical book as well as a downloadable PDF eBook format for your convenience.

They decided to go for the whole package to ensure that you get all of it in one place just so you are comfortable with whatever medium works best for you.

You will get:

  1. The digital copy of the book, the physical copy or the DVD. All you have to do is choose.
  2. The videos which are detailed and explained in a step by step format that makes it so easy to implement.

There are also bonuses that are included and they are:

  1. The Lower Back Pain Lifestyle which is a video that will show you the styles that you use which are bound to bring the elongation of the neck and the bringing about of the Forward Head Posture and the accompanying back pain that is the result of the first effect.
  2. The 10 Best Natural Sleep Solutions Report shows why the forward head posture interferes with your breathing and the things that happen when you are sleeping and you cannot get your head to be properly aligned. You will get 10 of the best solutions that will help you sleep better with fewer problems.

As you can see, there is a lot to gain from the information you get on this program which helps you have a better life that is less complicated and with far less problems. The authors have created something that you will truly benefit from in the long term.

The Forward Head Posture FIX is the solution that you have been looking for and here you have it now.

Get your neck back in shape.

A Sneak Peek into the Book

Here is a list of the things that you may find useful:

  1. You will find the reasons why a forward head posture even develops and how it makes your joints weaker and muscles more useless in the neck. The book outlines the methods for prevention of this – all which you can also pass onto your children!
  2. We are all very different and we all have different physiologies which are responsible for the formation of humps, you will find out why this happens and how you can make sure you don’t acquire these ‘humps’ in your neck.
  3. Exercises are included which will make your waist more slender, your chest bigger (!) and also your neck straighter and less bent with time until you are in perfect alignment and have the right posture for your body.
  4. You will also be able to figure out how to repair the damage that has been caused in your body up until now…

And that is not all; get the Forward Head Posture FIX to find out the rest of it.

The Final Verdict

Going by the way that the reviews keep on gushing about the book, you will find that there is more to it than you may think.

The authors, Mike and Rick have something real here and you need to get in on it before your neck and posture suffers even more.

We really believe this is a great book, buy your copy now as we can assure you it’s not a scam. For less than the price of a couple of coffee’s you could fix your neck issues…


  • The credibility of the authors of this program is undeniable as you can search or them on the internet to see who they are.
  • The program was created with the use of techniques that are easy to put into action, giving you relief fast and efficiently.
  • The program was created in three different forms which include the physical book, the eBook and the DVD videos.
  • The techniques that have been used are suitable for a range of people and you will have no problems using them regardless of age or gender. You can customize them to fit your needs.
  • There is a 60 day money back guarantee that will ensure you do not take an unnecessary risks. If you are not completely happy, you can get your money back.
  • The book was written and organized in a format that you will find easy to follow with simple language and simple steps to follow to get your neck into alignment.


  • It needs work and commitment for it to be effective.
  • The program works and you will change your posture for the rest of your life, but you will have to pay for it – which is to be expected and it’s still far cheaper than physiotherapists, chiropractors or oesteo’s….